Stay Safe in the Storm: Hurricane Preparedness Plan

Hurricane preparedness is very important for Orlando, Florida residents because the area is vulnerable to hurricanes and tropical storms during the Atlantic hurricane season, which typically runs from June 1 to November 30. Here are some important steps you should take to make sure you have it . prepared in case a hurricane threatens the area:

Create an emergency plan:
Develop a family emergency plan that includes communication and evacuation strategies. Designate meeting places when you are separated from family members.

Build an emergency kit:
Pack a 72-hour emergency kit with essentials such as non-perishable food, water, medicine, first aid, flashlights, batteries and important documents. Bring pet supplies if you have them.

You may reference here for you Emergency Kit Guide

Stay tuned:
Follow weather reports and warnings through local news, weather programs and official sources such as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and local emergency management agencies.

Know the escape routes:
Check the evacuation routes provided by local authorities. If some roads are blocked, plan multiple routes.

Insure your home:
Trim trees and bushes to reduce the risk of debris from high winds. Reinforce doors and windows with storm shutters or plywood. Secure outdoor furniture, grills and other loose objects.

Protect important documents:
Keep important documents such as IDs, insurance and medical records in a waterproof container.

Check insurance:
Make sure you have adequate home or renter’s insurance to cover wind and flood damage.

Fuel and transport:
Keep your vehicle’s gas tank full in case of evacuation. Get your car serviced before hurricane season.

Equip a battery or portable emergency radio that will notify you if the power or internet goes out.

Medical needs:
Stock up on necessary medications and medical supplies. Keep the first aid kit handy.

Power failure preparedness:
Provide extra batteries for flashlights and other devices. Consider investing in a generator for extended power outages.

Stay or evacuate:
Follow the instructions of local authorities for shelter or evacuation. If you are ordered to evacuate, do so immediately.

Community Resources:
Identify nearby shelters and their locations. Know emergency contact information for local authorities and organizations. Remember that hurricane preparedness is a year-round effort.

Taking these steps well in advance of a storm can greatly improve your safety and reduce stress when a hurricane threatens. Be aware, be alert and be ready to act to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property.


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